Call Us: (888) 861-9396

Call Us: (888) 861-9396

With the arrival of deadbolts in the 1960’s residential crimes about burglaries began to decline and achieved plateau in the past years. Today, about 30 percent of the houses in America have security system and alarms to guard them. This is the significant of the locksmith in Daphne, FL services in alleviating the criminal rates in America. Superior locks and the technological devices are proven effective in preventing the buglers from intruding the parameters. It is the basis of having locksmith as one of the consideration in building houses. They are experts and well trained so you can assure that you have the best services for your security and convenience. Call the nearest locksmith hotlines now!



Zipcodes We Serve:

Our Services

Transponder Key Programming

Key with a Chip *$65

Automotive Key Extraction

Key broken off or Stuck in Ignition **$75

Ignition Change Services

Commercial, Residential or Safe *$120

Auto Lockout Service

Commercial, Residential or Safe *$35

Fresh Installation

The right lock for the right door *$65

Car Key Making

All automobile Keys *$90

Changing Locks

Any kinds of LOCKS *$45


All variants of security locks *$19

* This cost is a minimum estimate for the respective job. The final cost will vary. It will depend on the security level of the lock-system plus labor charges.

** This cost is a minimum estimate for the respective job. Every key/ignition is uniquely built and cut therefore, the final cost will vary. It will depend on the complexity of the job and programming cost if associated.