Call Us: (888) 861-9396

Call Us: (888) 861-9396


There are also numbers of services that the local locksmith of Hanover, IN offers. One of those is the new lock installation. We all know that locking system in homes and in any establishment are very much important in maintaining security and stability of each. Why take a risk in having it done by unprofessional workers that ask lower paying rates? You’ll not be assured of the quality and time capacity of their locking materials as they are not qualified to do the job.

Go for the local locksmith at Hanover, IN ! There are certified locksmith technicians that will surely provide you with high quality locking installation. You can be rest assured that your newly installed locking system will last longer than the expected time range for their technicians are professionals and can work very detailed regarding their tasks. They are equipped with high and complete standard equipments that help them greatly in achieving their desired results. So the local Locksmith is the answer for your locking needs!

Zipcodes We Serve: 47243

Our Services

Transponder Key Programming

Key with a Chip *$65

Automotive Key Extraction

Key broken off or Stuck in Ignition **$75

Ignition Change Services

Commercial, Residential or Safe *$120

Auto Lockout Service

Commercial, Residential or Safe *$35

Fresh Installation

The right lock for the right door *$65

Car Key Making

All automobile Keys *$90

Changing Locks

Any kinds of LOCKS *$45


All variants of security locks *$19

* This cost is a minimum estimate for the respective job. The final cost will vary. It will depend on the security level of the lock-system plus labor charges.

** This cost is a minimum estimate for the respective job. Every key/ignition is uniquely built and cut therefore, the final cost will vary. It will depend on the complexity of the job and programming cost if associated.